Game Details

The Battle Birdie Golf Game

Take to the course and use power-ups to take your game to the next level. Beware, your friends have power-ups too. Battle it out on the golf course to see who reigns supreme! Below are some variations on the game and videos to help you get started.

Battle Birdie FAQs

    1. Pick markers by shuffling face down and pick at random.

    2. One power-up per 3 holes, flip marker after use.

    3. Can’t use a power up on another's power up. Reshuffle markers every 3 holes (then repeat rule 1).

    4. If you get a birdie you get to choose your power up for the next 3 hole set.

    5. If more than 1 birdie occurs, first birdie is first choice.

    6. Respect the course, Enjoy the game!

    1. Start with power up of your choice.

    2. One of every power up per 9 holes.

    3. Only one power up can be used on a hole for each player.

    4. You must choose your power up before the first-person swings on a hole. (For more of a challenge - No changing power ups until you've used the one you've chosen).

    5. If you get a birdie, take an unused power up from another player for that 9 (if on the 9th no more power ups exist... A firm handshake and a congrats is all your getting. Maybe you should have shot better on the last 8 bud).

    6. Stealing power ups from a birdie can only be used once per player.

  • Email us at and we will answer any rule questions in a timely manner.

Take two shots, and take the best ball. This works anywhere on the course, whether you slice a drive or nearly missed a putt!

Hit from the Tee Box of your choosing. If you want an advantage move closer to the pin, if you want to embarrass your friends move back!

Move the ball 4 club lengths in any direction. You cannot score off of this power up; however you can get real close!

Don’t like your drive? No worries, drop on the best ball hit from the tee box. Doesn’t matter if it’s a 90 yard par 3 or 500 yard par 5!